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Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Galleta tradicional de nueces con una combinación de chispas de chocolate con leche, semi dulce y blanco  eleva una mezcla satisfactoria de sabor y textura. Disfruta de un equilibrio perfectoa en cada bocado.

Advertencia sobre alergias: nuestras galletas pueden contener soja, huevos, frutos secos, cacahuetes o productos lácteos.

Pesa aproximadamente de 6oz a 7oz


Indulge in the perfect balance of flavors and textures with our TRIPLE CHOCOWALNUT cookie. This traditional nut cookie is elevated by a combination of milk, semi-sweet, and white chocolate chips. Experience a satisfying blend of taste and texture in every bite.

Allergy warning: our cookies may contain soy, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts or dairy products.

 Weight: 7 oz (approx.)


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